Human Resources

Interview of the Human Resources Department

Alp'Tronic bases its success and development on two essential assets: its people and its know-how.It is by relying on the involvement and skills of its employees that Alp'tronic develops while consolidating its positions in its current markets.
The dedication to the development of its employees through the maintenance and transmission of the most advanced skills, their permanent enrichment are the foundation of the values of our human-sized company.
Alp'Tronic's Human Resources strategy aims to support managers and employees to actively contribute to the Group's growth and diversification objectives.

This strategy is organized around two axes:

Recruitment and integration policy

To support its development and compose the best "alloy" of talents, Alp'tronic is working to build teams of experienced people and young employees.
• To do this, recruitments are based on a policy of partnerships with schools, training centers to integrate young people of all levels of education. They also benefit from a proven practice of learning and alternating.
• An integration course is proposed to each new collaborator, it is built to give meaning to a quick and effective function taking up: Preparation of the working environment, meeting with the main interlocutors, training and awareness of site security measures, medical examination, meeting with human resources...

Development policy, training, career development

• In terms of skills and talent management, Alp'Tronic ensures that every employee has the most appropriate training throughout their careers to acquire, develop and enhance their skills, both the exercise of his profession as for his evolution: internal or external training, alternating, collective / individual training, VAE, CPF, etc.
• Beyond training, the Group encourages and values expertise, giving responsibility and autonomy to the most committed and effective employees: Career Committees allow each year to review all staff, in order to detect potential, consider mobility and prepare succession plans.
At the individual level, each employee benefits from individualized monitoring through annual and professional interviews.